Team Members

Noah Raecek, Matthew Peters, Matthew Oei, Zabeer Hossain, Stuart Rodriguez, Abbiy Telahun


An innovative microbioreactor is being developed for the UF Bio Foundry by Group 18. The overall system design goal is to be able to facilitate, monitor, grow, and culture various cells within the system. The device is comprised of 8 various subsystem that help it reach the design need provided by the customer. The various eight subsystems work coherently to tune a variety of conditions within the system to produce the desired results. The device is comprised of an enclosure, liquid handling system, axis control system, heating/cooling system, atmospheric control system, shaking system, FI/OD system, and an electronics system. The unique feature of the device that sets it apart from other products on the market is its ability to fluctuate the light wavelength to promote cell evolution through the intentional destruction of cells. intensity and wavelength to control the speed of growth and mutations within the cell cultures. The product being presented to the customer is an efficient, cost effective, and modular solution to their problem. The group developing the device is passionate about creating a solution that functions harmonically together and a device that has many features that cause customer delight.

Pitch Video


Final Video