Group 7 – Wheel-Care

Team Members

Steven Friend, Sophia Sayre, Jackson Sammartino, Nhan Hoang, Ty Summers, Andrew Iacovano, Ryan Bradshaw, and Lena Heng


Nu-Wheel is a groundbreaking design solution aimed at revolutionizing the wheelchair experience for users. By focusing on low-cost production while delivering a range of advanced, integrated features, our team has successfully created a wheelchair that combines comfort, aesthetics, and functionality. Incorporating user-centric design elements, Nu-Wheel integrates a lever drive system with hand brakes, providing users with a 3-to-1 mechanical advantage for effortless mobility. The wheelchair includes an accessible crank system that enables the user to recline the seat to various angles, allowing for personalized comfort and support based on individual needs. To shield users from adverse weather conditions, a retractable cover extends above and over from the back of the chair, providing protection while maintaining the chair’s streamlined appearance. The seating and backing are crafted from padded honeycomb foam, ensuring superior comfort and ergonomic support during extended use. Nu-Wheel features a large storage compartment located beneath the seat, offering a convenient space for personal belongings and essentials. By achieving a harmonious balance between affordability and innovation, Nu-Wheel presents a significant advancement in the realm of mobility aids. This solution enhances the quality of life for wheelchair users by addressing key challenges and incorporating features that elevate the overall user experience. Nu-Wheel stands as a testament to our commitment to enhancing the lives of individuals with mobility challenges through thoughtful design and cutting-edge technology.

Pitch Video

3D Interactive Product Model

The following is an interactive 3D model of the product design. You can view and rotate the product assembly in different orientations and views, including an exploded view to see the various parts that make up the assembly.