Group MT0C-4 – Canyon One™ – Astro Project Exhibit One™

Team Members

Aiden Causey, Andres Castrillon, Paul Czerniak, Arthur-Ventura Dacunha, Jeff Demetrio, Drew Long, Paul Navarrete, Scott Simmons, Ashkar Victor


Render of developed solution

Photo of developed solution

NASA’s STS-35 and STS-67 Space Shuttle missions utilized the Astro science observatory to conduct astronomical observations in the ultraviolet spectral regions. The Astro payload used on the mission carries a great importance to how scientist study and collect data from the cosmos. We were tasked with designing a payload structure that mimics the deployment of the Astro payload from the shuttle to be displayed in the Smithsonian Museum. The hedgehog concept behind our company Canyon One is “to design safe, durable, minimalist display stands, for impassioned mechanical innovation while minimizing exhibit cost.” The APE One will allow museum visitors and families to ponder about the importance and difficulties associated with space exploration. With the conservation of the Astro science observatory, future generations will get an in-depth view of one of the few telescopes recovered from orbit. Considering the sheer size of the original astro payload, our team, Canyon One, has developed a 1/5 scale model to represent the overall design and functionality that will be translated to the full-scale model built for the museum. This design is not only meant to establish a functional structure but also proves to be a work of art worthy of museum presentation. With this in mind, our team has decided to create our scaled model out of wood to preserve that artistic view while proving to be completely functional. The structure’s design should complement the scientific design and beauty of the payload and Canyon One sought to achieve this.

Pitch Video

3D Interactive Product Model

The following is an interactive 3D model of the product design. You can view and rotate the product assembly in different orientations and views, including an exploded view to see the various parts that make up the assembly.
